No open drum making groups are scheduled at this time.
The Shaman's Horse - we ride the drum on our shamanic journeys. The drum beat used in the Harner method shamanic journey alters consciousness so we can journey to the non-ordinary reality of spirit worlds. There we establish relationships with benevolent beings who wish only to help us live better lives. We call these beings, spirit guides or power animals, and they help us to access information for the healing ourselves, our families, and the whole world.
The best way to obtain a
drum is to make your own, one that is in tune with you. Even if you
have a drum you purchased this is a chance to make something special for yourself.
Drum Making - Typically
we make drums in groups of five to ten people. We spend a Saturday in the
assembly of the drum and beater, and usually on the Thursday Evening before, we gather to ask for blessing for the
drums and journey for a drum intention. This session is optional but I
encourage you to take part in it if at all possible.
This is when we meet the animal skins that will be our drum head and we
place them in water to soak for a couple of
days. I will journey and soak the
skin for anyone who cannot make this pre-session.
INDIVIDUAL DRUM MAKING - In the case of an individual, the drum birthing process can be even more intense. You and I will spend the same amount of time together that I give to groups but the focus is on you. This becomes a shamanic mentoring of sorts where the emphasis is on deepening your relationship with your spirit guides. I love working one on one because more of our time is spent exploring the healing intentions that inspire your drum. This also happens in groups but to a much lesser degree. Those individuals that have birthed drums with me in this way have found it to be well worth the time and cost.
If your group is ready to commit to making drums, it is best to call so we can discuss a date and location. Call Jim Frank at (484)-324-4270 or email to jim@malvernsweatlodge.com.